8 Classic Flower Arrangements to Make Stunning Bouquets

Classic Flower Bouquets

Are you looking for great ideas for flower arrangements that you can make on your own? If so, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve gathered the eight most classic and stunning floral arrangements that are not only super-easy to make, but absolutely gorgeous as well.

Even if you have no prior experience making bouquets of flowers, you’ll find it’s not only simple to learn, but fun as well!

Eight Classic Flower Bouquets – DIY Floral Arrangements

1. Color Your World

Perhaps the easiest and most classic floral arrangement to make on your own simply involves creating a cohesive color scheme. For our example, we’ve picked pink, but you can choose any color for any occasion you want!

  1. Take your flowers (all the same color) in your hand, keeping the larger flowers in the base.
  2. Arrange the taller stems (lilacs for pink) at the top and back of the group.
  3. Using twine, gently wrap the bouquet together near the middle of the stems and place in a vase.
  4. If there are gaps, fill with sweet peas and small blooming flowers
  5. Insert greenery at bottom or around rim to complete the arrangement.

2. Filled to the Rim

This makes a great centerpiece because the focus is around the rim, not on the height.

  1. Place floral foam in a shallow vase and moisten it.
  2. Build the bouquet from the outside, working your way in.
  3. Dangle flowers that hang lightly over the edge of the bowl and then intersperse larger flowers around the base
  4. Arrange a larger rose in the center and then fill it out with sweet peas, baby’s breath, pansies and hypericum.

3. Three-tiered Floral Bouquet

If you’re working with long stems, make a large bouquet with three tiers.

  1. Make sure you have flowers that are the same color, but different shades and types.
  2. Balance the light and dark flowers equally.
  3. Strip the leaves from any stem that would be underwater in a vase.
  4. Insert the taller flowers into the container first, then take half of your remaining flowers and trim the stems so they rest an inch under the tallest flower.
  5. Remaining half of flowers should be cut so they gather right over the lip of the vase. Bunch these at the bottom.
  6. Fill spaces with wild verbena.

4. Classic Height and Reach

For long flowers like Gladiolas, it’s important to play their height and tones against other flowers in arrangements.

  1. Place the glads in a large, weighted vase, spreading them out to cover the entire back of the bouquet.
  2. Use flowers in clusters to fill in the foreground (we suggest sedum and ornithogalum).
  3. Let them reach for the sky, or wherever they lie!

5. The Floral Line

For a casual bouquet, pick a lush flower like peonies. Their large blossoms make this arrangement a breeze.

  1. Try for striped blossoms, or make your own stripes with the flowers.
  2. Place a flowered cabbage as the anchor on one side and on the other, a large white hydrangea.
  3. In between these, place the most ruffled peonies you can find.
  4. Insert some buds as well.

6. Cluster Bouquets

If you have a wide variety of flower types, simply cluster them together.

  1. Focus on creating color-based focal points inside of the bouquet.
  2. Use flowers such as dahlias, hop vines, orchids, roses and viburnum berries.
  3. Make sure the stems are trimmed well so that the flowers are low, spreading into each other’s clusters.

7. Peonies Part II

Because peonies are so great, here’s another! You can substitute any flower here, really.

  1. Buy different lengths and colors of peonies as well as sprigs of green and some larkspur stalks.
  2. Place them in a round bunch and then into your vase.
  3. Insert the larkspur and tuck the sprigs of green under the peonies.

8. Compare and Contrast

Use dark and vibrant colors for a more dramatic effect for your bouquet. Be sure the colors you choose (one dark, one base) will look good together. For instance, darker purple or violet looks great with lighter blue or even yellow.

  1. Your dark flowers should be the same hue (snapdragons, dahlias, etc.).
  2. Arrange your base color (lighter asters, lisianthus, etc.) as desired and then insert dark flowers in between. The less dark flowers, the more the contrast.
  3. Spread wide greens (ivy, hosta, etc.) around the rim.