We Pawsed in The Pet and Bird Section

Pet and Bird

Our cat can read. I swear by it. Surely you’ve seen all those YouTube videos where cats do superhuman feats?  When I was browsing the Pet and Bird section, he went onto my lap, and up to the screen of our PC, landing his paw onto the Paws design cat feeder bowls.

A Scientific Theory Develops for Paws Cat Feeder Bowls

My son, Henry, thinks Whiskers was drawn to the bright colours of the bowls, and expected food to pop out of them, in a three dimensional manner. How else would a cat think food could come out of a computer? It might explain the excessive mewling the family had to put up with for the next half an hour. It was as if Whiskers expected the computer to provide his dinner.

We Test the Powers of Whiskers,The Cat

We thought we might test out Whiskers on a few more pages. He’s rather fond of chasing birds, so I enlarged an image of the Small Wooden Bird Houses in three colours. These most resemble the ones in our neighbour’s back garden. Henry decided to provide bird whistling noises to drive Whiskers into a frenzy. We watched. We waited. Suddenly, Whiskers jumped headfirst towards the PC, in a manner befitting a Bengali Tiger striking a forest antelope. Henry looked at me, astonished.

The Final Test – Whiskers Reacts To Dogs

Surfing the dog section, we came across a car seat cover which had an adorable picture of a Golden Retriever Labrador. My son Henry thought it best to blindfold poor Whiskers; and then I was to quickly show our cat the smiling dog in the back seat of the car, reclining on the seat cover. The dog looks happy, the seat saves the car getting messy – what could possibly go wrong? Henry whips the blindfold off, and to our surprise, Whiskers approaches the screen, and gives the doggie a big cat lick. This is a cat version of an affectionate peck.

Henry looks at me and says he thinks we should get Whiskers a companion puppy for Christmas. Whiskers looks so pleased at the dog picture. We check a few times to make sure that is what he is looking at, obliging a few barking noises, to see if we get a reaction. Whiskers continues to purr happily.

Thanks to the wonders of the internet, we discovered our cat can read, and is a little bit lonely! We’re now out shopping for a puppy to spoil.

by Richard W.